Tuesday, 26 September 2017



Caught in the middle of what I wish would be and what actually is.
Lost myself along the way,
Got burned by so many fires, it is so hard to trust that water is really water.

Emotionless Emotions caught bitter feelings.
Emotionless Emotions caught uncertainty.
Emotionless Emotions well....... Kind of got emotional.

Life has it's ways of bringing out the devil you fought so hard to stay away from.
But then again, the Saviour sees beyond our darkness.

Saved from death caused by anger and hate.
Purified with love of self and peace within.
Reminded of my vow to always be "Kind" and let "Karma" play it's part.

I Flou'Rushhhh, I lift my head up and wear that smile.
I Flou'Rushhhh, even when am reminded of what is.
I Flou'Rushhhh, trusting that the universe puts all my pieces together again.
I Flou'Rushhhh, keeping my faith and strong beliefs.
