Laugh a lot.
Love yourself.
Live . Laugh . Love
Life .... "Life happens!" Life happened. Yet still living right?
Happiness .... "Life happens!" Life happened. Cried, still crying. But laughter cures the pain right?
Self worth .... "Life happens!" Life happened. Hated myself ,hated life itself but self love is fulfilling right?
Live . Laugh . Love
For who though?
"For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son. That whoever believed in him shall not perish but have eternal life"
'eternal life' on earth? Hell no! Heaven open now , I want to come now.
This earth is filled with sons and daughter's that are like that of hell.
The ones that send nothing but negative vibes.
The ones that make it seem like their existence on this rented ground is better than that of others.
That ones that forget that from sand we came ,so shall we return.
Wait..... Now am being hypocritical. Judging them.
Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned in thought. But Lord their actions are....... Hold on, who am I but a sinner too.
Live. Laugh. Love
"The enemy comes but to steal , kill and to destroy. But I came that you may have life , and have it in abundance"
Live for yourself - Me right? He came, He died, He rose again all for me to live. To live my own life and not theirs right? Lol.
Laugh a lot - For with gratitude I laugh at the enemy. He stole my life, killed me and destroyed the memory of my existence. And yet here I am, still standing.
Love yourself - For I am worthy to be loved. By me.... My first love is me. I owe that to me.