You know those moments when you see a guy and instantly crush on him but can't openly tell him because "you are a girl, girls don't step up to a guy and express their feelings". The awkwardness though!
In my case ,i came across this guy during 2014 Bigbrother Africa Auditions that i thought was hot and my friend Tanny convinced me to tell him and so I did and right there we got into a conversation and forgot about the awkward moment of me having made the first move.
The act itself made me feel good about myself and boosted my selfesteem of being able to freely express myself even towards the opposite sex with no fear and it got me thinking , how did the guy feel? was his esteem degraded? did he wish he approached me first?
It comes back to couples, how many ladies freely speak out and tell their Men that "they want some" without the thought of having to wonder whether or not he'll think she's just a horny freak. Are we just going to continue to die inside because of tradional or cultural values?
What about our personal values?
How come the guys are naturally confident ? What boosts their ego because i believe in equality and freedom of expression in whatever way without fear or limitation regardless of gender .
What if the man is not delivering to the womans expectation? How will he know if he is not overuled or criticized?
#Ruddietude #GenderEquality #Feminist #Feminism #BlackOfSteel
As a reader such intellect and wisdom always moves me to think why not most of the ladies perceive matters in this manner.