Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Emotionless Emotions PartV

 "This too shall pass"
"Still i rise"
"Time heals"
"No moment lasts forever"

 ....................... smh!!!!!!

At some point i almost stopped believing in my own beliefs .
I stopped trusting in my own truth. The lies seemed to have won me over. The lies that i told myself. The lies that got me into this state that i can't run away from.
Who will i blame but me............

I let him into my life,
I allowed him take full position,
I allowed him wear the crown as King and rule.
He ruled all over me and led me into his path of deceit ,blinded by his charm . Deadly charm but i couldn't see it .

Then i met him... the other.
The other that evoked the dead me in me .
The other that showed me a new world that involved just us, where we met mind, body and soul.
Us as our own stress relief .
Us as our own escape .
Us as our own drug that got us too high to see our lowness.
Us that created a being in us that joined us into a life long bond from passionate moment that we will live to remember .

And that is all i am....
That girl with so many memories ,
That girl with moments that don't last forever, because indeed "This too shall pass" , "Still i rise" , "Time heals" , "No moment lasts forever"

Twitter @MarthaNakazwe
Instagram @QueenRuddieZambia

1 comment:

  1. Amazing poetry, but again this shall pass ;-)
    Thumbs up Ruddie
